Transgender Rights: Identity And Mobility

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Book Code: 1111018491747

Dr. Madhusudhan B

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This book is a compendium of papers presented at the two-day National Seminar sponsored by Mahatma Gandhi University and organised by NSS Hindu College, Changanacherry, Kerala. The crux of the book is the marginalisation and side liningof the transgender community in the Indian context. Albeit, the transgender community has long
been existed in the Indian society, there has been much debate and deliberations today as to their socio- economic and political conditions. The various state governments in India have introduced several policy initiatives for the comprehensive upliftment of the transgender community. Despite, the policy initiatives and programmes, the community's over all conditions still remains deplorable. The transgender community is subjected to numerous ways of torture in public places, home and many of them have chosen sex work
as a means of their livelihood. However, it is solacing that various nongovernmental organisations in India are keen on addressing the issues of transgender community. An effective governmental and non-governmental interventions are required in the process of bringing the transgender community to the mainstream. The book contains numerous articles which seek to analyse the transgender life in its various dimensions. The articles look into the socio-economic, psychological and historical realms of transgender


Dr. Madhusudhan B is currently Assistant Professor and Head of the Department at PG and Research Department of Political Science, NSS Hindu College, Changanacherry, Kerala, the earliest among the institutions of higher education established by Nair Service Society in 1947 by the great social reformer Sri. Mannathu Padmanabhan. Dr.Madhusudhan.B received his PhD and M.Phil from Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala. He has a teaching career spanning 17 years, and has held various administrative positions. He is also an approved research guide in Political Science at Mahatma Gandhi University. He has published articles widely and has organised seminars and workshops of national stature. He is currently pursuing Post-Doctoral Programme on “Transgender Policy of Kerala” at ISEC (Institute of Socio Economic Change), Bengaluru, a premier social science institute recognised by Indian Council of Social Science Research.


List of Contributors ...........................................................................................7

1. Transgenders in India-Legally Recognised and Socially Reprobated.......................................................................... 9
— Dr. Jayasankar, K.I

2. State Policy for Transgenders in Kerala 2015 as a Kerala Model of Development ....................................................... 17
— Anagh

3. Transgenders- A Journey of a Thousand Miles .............................................................................................27
— Dr. Mohan Varughese and Krupa Susan Varghese

4. State, Law and Sexuality: An Examination of Sexuality in India with Special Reference to Section 377..........................35
— Sunil Mohan

5. Empowering Transgenders through Entrepreneurship .................................................................................................43
— Nayana BS

6. Gender and Sexual Minorities in Kerala: An Over View to Kerala’s Gender Sensitive Initiatives Towards Them.........47
— Lijitha

7. Colonialism, Law and India’s LGBTQ Community: A Historical Examination since 1860 .......................................59
— Dr. R.S. Vineeth

8. The Transgender Paradigm Shift Towards Freedom ..............................................................................................69
— Dr. Nisha Jolly Nelson

9. Disinclination and Discrimination Towards Third Sex in the Society .........................................................................85
— Athira, G.J.

10. An Understanding of Transgenders’ Life in Kerala...............................................................................................89
— Aswathy, A.K.

11. The Social Upliftment of Transgenders in Kerala through Employment Opportunities.............................................99
— Anu Kuriakose, Vinshi, P.K.

12. From Discrimination to Accommodation: The Need to Promote Transgender Awareness in Society ......................107
— Dr. Thomas Joseph

13. Legal Measures for the Protection of the Rights of the Transgender Community: A Study of Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act, 2019 .............................113
— Soumya, S

14. Mainstreaming Gender in Governance: From Women Empowerment to Gender Equality ............................................... 127
— Parvathy, N.S.

15. Right to Health of Transgender People: Issues and Concerns .............................141
— Rajagopal, P.K.

16. Financial Transaction Unsettled for third Gender ...............................................151
— Karthika, K. and Nikhil, S.

Index ....................................................................................................................159

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