Your search for 'children fiction' as Keywords results 299 record(s)
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Lucy's magical surprise

Lucy's magical surprise / Booth, Anne (Children's fiction write...

Brilliant bake off

Brilliant bake off / Banks, Rosie (Children's fiction writ...

Girls can't hit

Girls can't hit / Easton, Tom (Children's fiction write...

Mowgli's great story

Mowgli's great story / Francis, Suzanne (Children's fiction ...

A brave beginning

A brave beginning / Francis, Suzanne (Children's fiction ...

Seven second delay

Seven second delay / Easton, Tom (Children's fiction write...

Lucy's Winter rescue

Lucy's Winter rescue / Booth, Anne (Children's fiction write...

Pet show prize

Pet show prize / Banks, Rosie (Children's fiction writ...

Time to shine

Time to shine / Easton, Tom (Children's fiction write...

The magic necklace

The magic necklace / Banks, Rosie (Children's fiction writ...

Daddy is my hero

Daddy is my hero / Richards, Dawn (Children's fiction wr...

The Christmas fairy

The Christmas fairy / Booth, Anne (Children's fiction write...

The secrets of Grindlewood

The secrets of Grindlewood / Burke, Jackie (Children's fiction wri...

Squid Kid the Magnificent

Squid Kid the Magnificent / Berry, Lynne (Children's fiction writ...

Lucy's magic snow globe

Lucy's magic snow globe / Booth, Anne (Children's fiction write...

What floats in a moat?

What floats in a moat? / Berry, Lynne (Children's fiction writer)

The sign of the four

The sign of the four / Evans, Tony (Children's fiction writer)

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