Book Code: 1111007366825
Fyodor Dostoevsky
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*The Title 'Devils written/authored/edited by Fyodor Dostoevsky', published in the year 2024. The ISBN 9789356633230 is assigned to the Hardcover version of this title. This book has total of pp. 576 (Pages). The publisher of this title is GenNext Publication. This Book is in English. The subject of this book is Classic Fiction. Size of the book is 14.34 x 22.59 cms.
Florence Scovel Shinn's series of books delves into the potency of thought. By mastering this force, we have the ability to manifest our most extraordinary aspirations. Conversely, yielding to pessimistic thoughts and self-criticism can lead to a life characterized by disappointment and despair.
Florence Scovel Shinn (1871-1940), was an artist, a prominent New Thought spiritual teacher and writer. Her influential book, "The Game of Life and How to Play It" (1925), emphasized the power of thoughts and words in shaping one's reality.
1. THE GAME ...................................................................................................... 7
2. THE LAW OF PROSPERITY ........................................................................... 11
3. THE POWER OF THE WORD ......................................................................... 15
4. THE LAW OF NON-RESISTANCE ................................................................. 19
5. THE LAW OF KARMA AND THE LAW OF FORGIVENESS ....................... 24
6. CASTING THE BURDEN ................................................................................ 28
7. LOVE ............................................................................................................... 33
8. INTUITION OR GUIDANCE .......................................................................... 38
9. PERFECT SELF EXPRESSION OR THE DIVINE DESIGN .......................... 43
10. DENIALS AND AFFIRMATIONS ............................................................... 48
DENIALS AND AFFIRMATIONS ..................................................................... 53
BOOK TWO: YOUR WORD IS YOUR WAND..................................... 55
1. YOUR WORD IS YOUR WAND .................................................................. 55
2. SUCCESS ....................................................................................................... 56
3. PROSPERITY ................................................................................................. 59
4. HAPPINESS .................................................................................................... 61
5. LOVE .............................................................................................................. 62
6. MARRIAGE .................................................................................................... 63
7. FORGIVENESS ............................................................................................. 63
8. WORDS OF WISDOM ................................................................................. 64
9. FAITH ............................................................................................................ 65
10. LOSS ........................................................................................................... 68
11. DEBT ........................................................................................................... 68
12. SALES ......................................................................................................... 69
13. INTERVIEWS ............................................................................................. 69
14. GUIDANCE ................................................................................................ 70
15. PROTECTION ............................................................................................. 70
16. MEMORY .................................................................................................... 71
17. THE DIVINE DESIGN ................................................................................. 71
18. HEALTH ....................................................................................................... 72
19. EYES ............................................................................................................ 73
20. ANAEMIA .................................................................................................... 73
21. EARS ............................................................................................................ 74
22. RHEUMATISM ............................................................................................ 74
23. FALSE GROWTHS ...................................................................................... 74
24. HEART DISEASE ......................................................................................... 74
25. ANIMALS ..................................................................................................... 75
26. THE ELEMENTS ........................................................................................... 75
27. JOURNEY ...................................................................................................... 76
28. MISCELLANEOUS ........................................................................................ 76
29. CONCLUSION .............................................................................................. 80
BOOK THREE: THE SECRET DOOR TO SUCCESS ........................ 81
1. THE SECRET DOOR TO SUCCESS .............................................................. 81
2. BRICKS WITHOUT STRAW .......................................................................... 85
3. AND FIVE OF THEM WERE WISE ............................................................... 89
4. WHAT DO YOU EXPECT? ............................................................................. 93
5. THE LONG ARM OF GOD ............................................................................. 96
6. THE FORK IN THE ROAD ............................................................................100
7. CROSSING YOUR RED SEA .........................................................................103
8. THE WATCHMAN AT THE GATE ................................................................107
9. THE WAY OF ABUNDANCE.........................................................................111
10. I SHALL NEVER WANT ...............................................................................115
11. LOOK WITH WONDER................................................................................118
12. CATCH UP WITH YOUR GOOD.................................................................123
13. RIVERS IN THE DESERT .............................................................................126
BOOK FOUR: THE POWER OF THE SPOKEN ............................ 131
FOREWORD .......................................................................................................131
1. WEAPONS YE KNOW NOT OF .................................................................131
2. “I GIVE UNTO YOU POWER” (LUKE 10:19) .............................................135
3. BE STRONG; FEAR NOT ............................................................................139
4. THE GLORY OF THE LORD (PSALM 24) ..................................................144
5. PEACE AND PROSPERITY ..........................................................................148
6. YOUR BIG OPPORTUNITY .........................................................................151
7. IN NOTHING BE ANXIOUS........................................................................155
8. FEARLESSNESS ..........................................................................................160
9. VICTORY AND FULFILLMENT ................................................................164 is not be responsible for typing or photographical mistake if any. Prices are subject to change without notice.
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